Posts Tagged ‘asthma’

What Exactly is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that results in narrowed and inflamed airways. In infants and toddlers it is often called reactive airway disease (RAD). It typically appears in childhood and may persist lifelong, although a large percentage of children outgrow asthma. Asthma cannot be cured but for those who do not outgrow it, proper […]

When Allergies and Asthma Complicate Pregnancy

Asthma is the most common, potentially serious medical condition to complicate pregnancy. In fact, asthma affects almost 7 percent of women in their childbearing years. Well-controlled asthma is not associated with significant risk to mother or fetus. Although uncontrolled asthma is rarely fatal, it can cause serious maternal complications including high blood pressure, toxemia and […]